Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sweet Basil Essential Oil

Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Certified Organic - 100 % Pure Essential Oil



Main Constituent







Aromatic Description

Warm, spicy, herbal

Basil has a warm, spicy, yet herbal aroma known to enhance memory function while reducing stress and tension. Basil provides restorative benefits to both the mind and body due to its high linalool content, making it an ideal application for sore muscles and joints and to reduce tension when applied to the temples and back of the neck. Basil is commonly used in cooking to add a fresh, herbal flavor to meats, pastas, and entrée dishes, but it is also cooling to the skin and can be used to soothe minor irritations. When diffused, Basil helps promote clear breathing and healthy respiratory function while sharpening focus and lessening stress.


Diffuse to sharpen focus while studying or reading.

Apply to minor skin irritations. For sensitive skin, dilute with Coconut Oil.

Apply to fatigued or sore muscles and joints.

Diffuse or apply topically to promote clear breathing.

Primary benefits

Soothes sore muscles and joints

Assists with clear breathing
Acts as a cooling agent for the skin

Promotes mental alertness and lessens anxious feelings

Aromatic Usage Suggestions

Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.

Diffuse to enhance focus and eliminate mental fog while studying, working, or reading
Diffuse to promote clear breathing

Topical Usage Suggestions

Rub behind and around the ear to soothe occasional discomfort

Apply to minor skin irritations for a cooling effect

Use to help soothe sore, tired muscles and joints


Possible skin sensitivity

Keep out of reach of children.

If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.


IDR 180.000,- (shipping fee include)

Volume : 5 ml

5 ml equal to approximately 80 drops

Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)

Certified Organic - 100 % Pure Essential Oil



Main Constituent

Geranial, neral


To help soothe sore joints or muscle sprains, combine equal parts of carrier oil (such as baby oil ) and Lemongrass oil and rub topically on area of concern.

Combine with Melaleuca and apply to toenails for clean, healthy nails.

Rub or spritz on skin before going outside. Lemongrass essential oil naturally repels insects.

Aromatic Description

Citrus, herbaceous, smoky

A tall, perennial plant, Lemongrass has a subtle citrus flavor and is used in Asian cuisine in soups, teas, and curries as well as with fish, poultry, beef, and seafood. In addition to its unique flavor, Lemongrass essential oil promotes healthy digestion and acts as an overall tonic to the body’s systems. It’s also purifying and toning to the skin, and is frequently used in skin care products for these benefits. Lemongrass can soothe sore muscles and joints, making it an ideal oil to use in massage therapy or applied directly to problem areas. Lemongrass has a pungent, herbaceous aroma that can heighten awareness and promote a positive outlook.

Primary benefits

Supports healthy digestion

Soothes aching muscles

Purifies and tones skin

Aromatic Usage Suggestions

Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.

Topical Usage Suggestions

Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with baby oil or carrier oil that you like to minimize any skin sensitivity.


Possible skin sensitivity

Keep out of reach of children.

If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.


IDR 110.000,- (shipping fee include)

Volume : 5 ml

5 ml equal to approximately 80 drops

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Certified Organic - 100 % Pure Essential Oil



Main Constituent

Linalool, linalyl acetate


Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet for a restful night’s sleep.

Keep a bottle of Lavender on hand for minor burns, cuts, and scrapes.

Freshen your linen closet, mattress, car, or the air by combining Lavender with water in a spray bottle.

Add to bath water to soak away stress or apply to the temples and the back of the neck to ease muscle tension.

Aromatic Description

Powdery, floral, light

Lavender has been used and cherished for centuries for its unmistakable aroma and myriad of therapeutic benefits. In ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for mummification, bathing, relaxation, cooking, and as a perfume; its ability to calm and soothe the mind and body continue to be Lavender’s most notable qualities. Lavender is frequently used to soothe skin irritations and help skin recover quickly. Applying Lavender to the back of the neck and temples helps reduce muscle tension. Inhaling Lavender promotes relaxation and a restful night’s sleep, making it an ideal oil to diffuse at bedtime and when stress levels are high. Due to Lavender’s versatility and soothing properties, it is considered the must-have oil to have on hand at all times.

Primary benefits

Widely used for its calming and relaxing qualities
Soothes occasional skin irritations
Helps skin recover quickly
Eases muscle tension

Aromatic Usage Suggestions

Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.

Topical Usage Suggestions

Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with baby oil or carrier oil that you like to minimize any skin sensitivity.


Possible skin sensitivity

Keep out of reach of children.

If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.


IDR 140.000,- (shipping fee include)

Volume : 5 ml

5 ml equal to approximately 80 drops

Friday, February 5, 2016

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree (Malaleuca Alternifolia)

Certified Organic - 100 % Pure Essential Oil



Main Constituent

Terpinen-4-ol, gamma terpinene


Fresh, woodsy, earthy, herbaceous


Antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antiinflamatory, immune stimulant

Aromatic Description

Herbaceous, green, leathery

Tea tree also known as Melaleuca has over has over 92 different compounds and limitless applications. The leaves of the Melaleuca tree were used by the Aborigines of Australia for centuries. They would crush the leaves and inhale the oil to promote clear breathing and apply the leaves directly to the skin to help with recovery. Melaleuca is best known for its purifying properties. It can be used to cleanse and purify the skin and nails and to promote a clear, healthy complexion. Taken internally, Melaleuca enhances immunity when seasonal threats are high, and Melaleuca can be used on surfaces throughout the home to protect against environmental threats. Melaleuca is frequently used on minor skin irritations to soothe the skin and help it recover quickly. Diffusing Melaleuca will help purify and freshen the air.

Primary benefits

Renowned for its cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the skin

Promotes healthy immune function

Protects against environmental and seasonal threats


For occasional skin irritations, apply 1–2 drops of Tea tree essential oil onto affected area.

Combine 1–2 drops with your facial cleanser or moisturizer for added cleansing properties, or apply to skin after shaving to prevent razor burn.

Apply to fingernails and toenails after showering to purify and strengthen nails.

Add a few drops to a spray bottle with water and use on surfaces to protect against environmental threats.

Aromatic Usage Suggestions

Diffuse to help purify and freshen the air

Place a few drops in a warm bath and inhale the steam to help with congestion

Topical Usage Suggestions

Apply to minor cuts and scratches to reduce swelling and redness and prevent infection

Use on feet and toenails for athlete’s foot and toe fungus


Possible skin sensitivity.

Keep out of reach of children.

If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Tea tree oil can help with your every day problems. From skin blemishes to respiratory health, it is truly the “go to” oil. Try it today!


IDR 135.000,- (shipping fee include)

Volume : 5 ml

5 ml equal to approximately 80 drops

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon (Citrus Limon)

Certified organic - 100 % Pure Essential Oil



Main Constituent

d-Limonene; alpha and beta pinenes

Aromatic description

clean, fresh, sugary, citrusy, bright, sour


Antidepressant, antioxidant, antifungal, refreshing, invigorating, tonic

Lemon has multiple benefits and uses. Lemon is a powerful cleansing agent that purifies the air, disinfects surfaces, and can be used as a non-toxic cleaner throughout the home. When added to water, Lemon provides a refreshing and healthy boost throughout the day. Lemon is frequently added to food to enhance the flavor of desserts and main dishes. Due to its high limonene content, Lemon is a powerful antioxidant that can help ward off free radicals. When diffused, Lemon is very uplifting and energizing and has been shown to improve mood and cognitive ability.

Primary benefits

Cleanses and purifies the air and surfaces

Naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion and metabolism

Supports healthy respiratory function

Promotes a positive mood and cognitive ability


Diffuse and take internally to assist with seasonal respiratory discomfort.

Add Lemon oil to a spray bottle of water to clean and disinfect tables, countertops, and other surfaces. Lemon oil also makes a great furniture polish; simply add a few drops to olive oil to clean, protect, and shine wood finishes.

Use a cloth soaked in Lemon oil to preserve and protect your leather furniture and other leather surfaces or garments.

Lemon oil is a great remedy for the early stages of tarnish on silver and other metals.

Aromatic Usage Suggestions

Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.

Diffuse to purify the air or assist with seasonal respiratory discomfort

Place 1-2 drops in hands and inhale to help lift your mood and clear your mind

Topical Usage Suggestions

Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.

Combine with water and use to clean kitchen or bathroom surfaces

Massage over shoulders or feet for an energizing boost

Apply several drops to help remove sticker residue or gum


Possible skin sensitivity.

Keep out of reach of children.

If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product

Lemon oil is very versatile with uses ranging from digestive support to mood enhancement to cleansing properties.  Add this amazing oil to your collection today!


IDR 130.000,- (shipping fee include)

Volume : 5 ml

5 ml equal to approximately 80 drops

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Certified Organic - 100 % pure essential oil



Main Constituent


Aromatic Description

Refreshing, minty, hot, sweet, herbaceous


Antibacterial, anticancer, antiseptic, antiinflamatory, invigorating

The peppermint plant is actually a hybrid of watermint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linneaus in 1753. A high menthol content distinguishes the best quality Peppermint from other products. Frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral health, Peppermint also helps to alleviate stomach upset and promotes healthy respiratory function. Peppermint continues to be one of the best-selling favorites among essential oils.

Primary benefits

Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing

Purifying and cleansing properties   

Invigorating and refreshing

Aids in digestion and eases stomach upset

Frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral health

Aromatic Usage Suggestions

Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.

Diffuse to ease occasional feelings of nausea

Rub on hands and inhale to energize and invigorate the mind

Spritz in the air to support cognitive function

Topical Usage Suggestions

Apply to sore or achy joints or muscles

Rub on back of neck to alleviate tension in head and neck

Apply for a cooling effect on the skin


Possible skin sensitivity.

Keep out of reach of children.

If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.


IDR 135.000,- (shipping fee include)

Volume : 5 ml

5 ml equal to approximately 80 drops

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Q n A about Essential Oil

What is an essential oil?

An essential oil is not infused herbal oil. This is a very common misconception. Essential oils are the volatile 
aromatic oils produced by plants. Essential oil is this aromatic substance concentrated through various methods. For example, it takes 60 whole roses to make just one drop of precious essential oil! That's a potent drop of plant material.

How can you find high quality essential oils?

First, you want to be sure that the essential oils are pure aromatic plant oils without diluents. Some essential oils on the market are cut with a carrier or diluted with lesser quality products. 

To test your essential oil to see how “pure” it is, put a single drop of it on a piece of construction paper. If it evaporates quickly and leaves no noticeable ring, it is pure. If you have a ring left, then it is likely diluted by the manufacturer with an oil of some sort (this test will not work for myrrh, patchouli, and absolutes).  

Next, to be certain that you are purchasing the right ingredient, look for the botanical Latin name on the product label. For example, Peppermint (Mentha piperita), should be listed clearly. Purchase oils that are certified organic or are sourced from a supplier you trust. Because essential oils are so concentrated, that means that pesticides and other toxins can be concentrated in the oil as well.

How can you find high quality essential oils?

First, you want to be sure that the essential oils are pure aromatic plant oils without diluents. Some essential oils on the market are cut with a carrier or diluted with lesser quality products. 

To test your essential oil to see how “pure” it is, put a single drop of it on a piece of construction paper. If it evaporates quickly and leaves no noticeable ring, it is pure. If you have a ring left, then it is likely diluted by the manufacturer with an oil of some sort (this test will not work for myrrh, patchouli, and absolutes).  

Next, to be certain that you are purchasing the right ingredient, look for the botanical Latin name on the product label. For example, Peppermint (Mentha piperita), should be listed clearly. Purchase oils that are certified organic or are sourced from a supplier you trust. Because essential oils are so concentrated, that means that pesticides and other toxins can be concentrated in the oil as well.

Therapeutic Grade

This distinction is not an industry standard and is not endorsed or regulated by any government agency. It is purely a marketing claim. You can learn more about this issue by visiting: AromaWeb  and National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy

Buying and Storage Tips

Dark colored glass, like amber bottles, is the best packaging. Store your essential oils in a cool, dark cabinet away from heat and light. Don’t store with the glass and rubber-top dropper in the bottle! Essential oils are so concentrated that they can be corrosive. We have seen lemon essential oil eat through and melt a rubber bulb, ruining the entire bottle of oil. Always remove the glass dropper and use the screw cap. The drop-by-drop reducers that come in small bottles are fine and do not need to be removed.

Are essential oils safe?

We like to say that less is best and use with care!
These highly concentrated aromatics enter through our olfactory system and the skin, leading directly to the brain and our bloodstream. This allows the plant properties to cause therapeutic changes both emotionally and physiologically within our bodies.

Great, right? 
Yes, but, essential oils also have to be detoxed by our liver and kidneys, and some plant aromatics are hard to process. Even using larger amounts of "safe" essential oils can be harmful to certain populations like children, people with compromised liver or kidney health, animals, and pregnant women. We highly recommend seeking the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner in these cases.  
What's a safe way to use essential oils topically?
All that said, using essential oils topically can be wonderfully healing! Most essential oils should never be used undiluted on the skin. Dilute essential oils with a carrier of some kind this can be organic vegetable oil, hydrosol or witch hazel extract. Any time you are working with a new essential oil and want to make a skincare recipe, do a patch test to make sure you won't have a reaction and the oil is right for you.

Always avoid mucous membranes like the eyes and mouth unless you are under the care of a practitioner. These oils can be very caustic and can cause serious chemical burns! 

Research the oil’s properties before use to make sure it isn't contraindicated for your health.

  • 1% Dilution: 5-6 drops per 30ml of carrier is appropriate for preparations such as massage, where a lot of product is being used on the skin. 
  • 2% Dilution: 10-12 drops per 30ml of carrier is appropriate for aromatherapy applications and body care recipes.

There are a few essential oils that are generally recognized as safe to use undiluted. Of course, there has to be a few exceptions to the rule. We refer to Organic Body Care Recipes by Stephanie Tourles, the author points out that the only essential oils that are widely acknowledged as safe to use undiluted (sparingly) are: Lavender, German chamomile, Tea tree, Sandalwood, and Rose geranium.

Never use an undiluted essential oil on a baby or child. Children have much thinner, more delicate skin than adults have, and tend to be very sensitive to the potency of essential oils. In fact, even if you do use essential oil in a recipe for children, only use half of the essential oil recommended in the recipe. That’s all they’ll need, anyway.
Is essential oils safe to be taken internally?

There is so much misinformation out there about whether or not essential oils are safe to use internally!

Along with the international aromatherapy community, we say that you should never use essential oils internally without the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner. While there are some essential oils that can be used safely, this is the safer path to take, especially without skilled supervision. Essential oils can be incredibly caustic, causing burns or irritating the mucous lining of your digestive tract.

Many people have asked about using lemon oil in their water or a few drops of peppermint oil in their tea. We always say, why not use a squeeze of fresh lemon juice instead or make a cup of peppermint tea with nature's perfect dosage of aromatics?  We have seen lemon essential oil eat through rubber. One cup of peppermint tea can be a strong remedy by itself. Plant medicine is already very effective when used as gentle support for your body's own natural healing processes – more and stronger is not always better or more helpful. Remember, these aromatics must be detoxed by the liver and kidneys.